Pokemon GO Tips and Tricks -Pokemon Go Guide: How far to walk every single Pokemon - Pokemon GO Tips and Tricks Pokemon GO Tips and Tricks, In the article you read this time with the title Pokemon GO Tips and Tricks -Pokemon Go Guide: How far to walk every single Pokemon, we have prepared well for this article you read and download the information therein. hopefully fill posts
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Tittle : Pokemon GO Tips and Tricks -Pokemon Go Guide: How far to walk every single Pokemon
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Tittle : Pokemon GO Tips and Tricks -Pokemon Go Guide: How far to walk every single Pokemon
Link : Pokemon GO Tips and Tricks -Pokemon Go Guide: How far to walk every single Pokemon
Pokemon GO Tips and Tricks -Pokemon Go Guide: How far to walk every single Pokemon
Plan your Buddy Pokemon walks using this reference.
Each Buddy Pokemon in the game has a different distance it must be walked before it will find a candy. Unfortunately, you have to swap them in and out as your buddy to see how far you need to walk them. If you're already in the process of walking a buddy, then swapping will make you lose your progress.
Abra | - | 3km |
Aerodactyl | - | 5km |
Alakazam | - | 3km |
Arbok | - | 3km |
Arcanine | - | 3km |
Articuno | - | Pokemon not released yet |
Beedrill | - | 1km |
Bellsprout | - | 3km |
Blastoise | - | 3km |
Bulbasaur | - | 3km |
Butterfree | - | 1km |
Caterpie | - | 1km |
Chansey | - | 5km |
Charizard | - | 3km |
Charmander | - | 3km |
Charmeleon | - | 3km |
Clefable | - | 1km |
Clefairy | - | 1km |
Cloyster | - | 3km |
Cubone | - | 3km |
Dewgong | - | 3km |
Diglett | - | 3km |
Ditto | - | Pokemon not released yet |
Dodrio | - | 3km |
Doduo | - | 3km |
Dragonair | - | 5km |
Dragonite | - | 5km |
Dratini | - | 5km |
Drowzee | - | 3km |
Dugtrio | - | 3km |
Eevee | - | 5km |
Ekans | - | 3km |
Electabuzz | - | 5km |
Electrode | - | 3km |
Exeggcute | - | 3km |
Exeggutor | - | 3km |
Farfetch'd | - | 3km |
Fearow | - | 1km |
Flareon | - | 5km |
Gastly | - | 3km |
Gengar | - | 3km |
Geodude | - | 1km |
Gloom | - | 3km |
Golbat | - | 1km |
Goldeen | - | 3km |
Golduck | - | 3km |
Golem | - | 1km |
Graveler | - | 1km |
Grimer | - | 3km |
Growlithe | - | 3km |
Gyarados | - | 1km |
Haunter | - | 3km |
Hitmonchan | - | 5km |
Hitmonlee | - | 5km |
Horsea | - | 3km |
Hypno | - | 3km |
Ivysaur | - | 3km |
Jigglypuff | - | 1km |
Jolteon | - | 5km |
Jynx | - | 5km |
Kabuto | - | 5km |
Kabutops | - | 5km |
Kadabra | - | 3km |
Kakuna | - | 1km |
Kangaskhan | - | 3km |
Kingler | - | 3km |
Koffing | - | 3km |
Krabby | - | 3km |
Lapras | - | 5km |
Lickitung | - | 3km |
Machamp | - | 3km |
Machoke | - | 3km |
Machop | - | 3km |
Magikarp | - | 1km |
Magmar | - | 5km |
Magnemite | - | 3km |
Magneton | - | 3km |
Mankey | - | 3km |
Marowak | - | 3km |
Meowth | - | 3km |
Metapod | - | 1km |
Mew | - | Pokemon not released yet |
Mewtwo | - | Pokemon not released yet |
Moltres | - | Pokemon not released yet |
Mr. Mime | - | 5km |
Muk | - | 3km |
Nidoking | - | 3km |
Nidoqueen | - | 3km |
Nidoran (f) | - | 3km |
Nidoran (m) | - | 3km |
Nidorina | - | 3km |
Nidorino | - | 3km |
Ninetales | - | 3km |
Oddish | - | 3km |
Omanyte | - | 5km |
Omastar | - | 5km |
Onix | - | 5km |
Paras | - | 3km |
Parasect | - | 3km |
Persian | - | 3km |
Pidgeot | - | 1km |
Pidgeotto | - | 1km |
Pidgey | - | 1km |
Pikachu | - | 1km |
Pinsir | - | 5km |
Poliwag | - | 3km |
Poliwhirl | - | 3km |
Poliwrath | - | 3km |
Ponyta | - | 3km |
Porygon | - | 3km |
Primeape | - | 3km |
Psyduck | - | 3km |
Raichu | - | 1km |
Rapidash | - | 3km |
Raticate | - | 1km |
Rattata | - | 1km |
Rhydon | - | 3km |
Rhyhorn | - | 3km |
Sandshrew | - | 3km |
Sandslash | - | 3km |
Scyther | - | 5km |
Seadra | - | 3km |
Seaking | - | 3km |
Seel | - | 3km |
Shellder | - | 3km |
Slowbro | - | 3km |
Slowpoke | - | 3km |
Snorlax | - | 5km |
Spearow | - | 1km |
Squirtle | - | 3km |
Starmie | - | 3km |
Staryu | - | 3km |
Tangela | - | 3km |
Tauros | - | 3km |
Tentacool | - | 3km |
Tentacruel | - | 3km |
Vaporeon | - | 5km |
Venomoth | - | 3km |
Venonat | - | 3km |
Venusaur | - | 3km |
Victreebel | - | 3km |
Vileplume | - | 3km |
Voltorb | - | 3km |
Vulpix | - | 3km |
Wartortle | - | 3km |
Weedle | - | 1km |
Weepinbell | - | 3km |
Weezing | - | 3km |
Wigglytuff | - | 1km |
Zapdos | - | Pokemon not released yet |
Zubat | - | 1km |
Source: Cnethttps://www.cnet.com/how-to/buddy-pokemon-distance-to-walk-for-candy/
Hopefully the Pokemon GO Tips and Tricks -Pokemon Go Guide: How far to walk every single Pokemon
That is all articles Pokemon GO Tips and Tricks -Pokemon Go Guide: How far to walk every single Pokemon can add your insight in play pokemon go, if you feel this is helpful for you, please share through facebook, twitter, google plus or pinterest, so that your friends also know. Thank!.
You now read the article Pokemon GO Tips and Tricks -Pokemon Go Guide: How far to walk every single Pokemon with the link address http://pokemungo.blogspot.com/2016/09/pokemon-go-tips-and-tricks-pokemon-go_14.html
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